Letter to the Fathers

15Well_dad-tmagArticleTo the fathers who would come back home drunk and abuse their children with words and blows. To the fathers who would come back home and beat up their wives just because they dared to say the truth. To the fathers who would insult and disgrace the mother of their children in public just because He wants to show that He is the man. To the fathers who have never been there for their sons and daughters, who would prefer to spend more time with his friends outside in the bar, than come home to his wife and kids. To the fathers who never even knew when their daughters became women, and their sons, men. To the fathers who after they have lost their jobs would come home drunk and beat up everybody at home. To the fathers who were strangers to their kids until they grew up and left home. To the fathers who are never home to answer their kids call them ‘daddy’ and ‘papa’. To the fathers who never did their homework and so let their sons and daughters pay the price in brothels and prisons. To the fathers who were never able to say I’m sorry to their kids. To the fathers who became enemies to their kids even after they left home. To the fathers who their wives were the so-called witches that denied them of their much-wanted progress. To the fathers who left home and never turned back, leaving the kids to be catered for by their mother. To the fathers who denied and walked out on their kids because of their mothers, even when they needed them most. To all fathers, this is a letter from your sons and daughters:
“We want to be the best we can be in the future, but we need a guide if we will make it. We don’t want our faces to end up on the ‘Crime Fighter’ scenes, so we beg you to groom us well. We are tired of the names they call the girls hanging by roadsides, the disgusting name they call the boys in the hood, so we plead that you teach us well. We know the economy is bad, but it should not stop you from loving us and respecting our mothers. Don’t beat us up in your frustration, lest we grow up to be like you. We might be naughty today, but if you will spoil the rod and spare the child, we promise to make you proud tomorrow. So please, don’t let us down today”.